It hasn't snowed in ages. Really it hasn't snowed a good snow since the new year. To top all of that off the last few weeks have seen up to 60 degree days and some nights of not freezing, not to mention 80 mph gusts of wind. That being said, the day was full of groomers with friends and drinking in the sun! Good times! Here is a view of Mt Wilson from Gorrono's. You may recognize this mountain as the one on the side of that Coors Light that you are hopefully not drinking.
Pritchet bringing more refreshments. MMM!! This is one of the original barns on the ranch, but now it is an overpriced on mountain bar.

Refreshments gone. See the trick is to buy the $2 pabst at the top of the mountain and ski em down to gorrono's (Bottle of bud $5.) where the wind is less and the sun a little warmer. Economics lesson for today is now over.
Andreas and Billy enjoying the sun!
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